Hard Lump on Back of Hand That Moves

Avatar f tn I have a warn tender lump on the top of my hand the size of a baby lima bean. I've Iced it but it not seem to help? do I need to see a doctor?

2191761 tn?1338284458 I punched a wall a few weeks ago. The swelling and bruising went down fairly quickly however now I have noticed a small lump to the side of the knuckle in between my index finger and middle finger, it doesn't hurt when I move my hand but hurts when I press on the lump.

Avatar n tn my cockapoo has a lump on the back of her neck were a tick was removed a year or longer ago it left a small lump and its getting bigger size of dime or it could have been when she got a shot a year ago or so shes not sick and it doesnt bother her what could it be?

Avatar m tn I have a lump on the back of my neck in the middle next to the top of my spine.It appeared about 6 months ago the size of a pea but has grown now to about the size of a marble,its very hard and has started to hurt a little as if I have been sleeping the wrong way.When you touch it it moves around slightly.Has anyone got any advice on what it could be as Im starting to get a little worried especially as it has grown.

Avatar m tn Back in September, I received a boxer's fracture on the 5th metacarpal of my right hand. The bone healed with a downward angulation, so I got surgery (an osteotomy) to get the bone cut and realigned with a metal plate. That's all well and good. Now onto the question... It's about 5 weeks post-op, and I've noticed that at one end of the scar, which runs along the length of the outside of my hand, there is a large lump under the skin that has not gone away.

Avatar n tn i have fuild in my ears, and a hard lump on the right side of the back of the head, headaches, eye problems, neck pain and very tight muscles in my neck and shoulders.

Avatar n tn s not oozing or anything, but this rashBabies and heat rashes Diaper rash Drug rash on the back Drug rash, tegretol Heat rash Infant heat rash Poison ivy - oak - sumac rash Poison oak rash on the arm Rash Rashes Scabies rash and excoriation on the hand has gotten darker. It covers about 1/3 of my areola and sometimes it randomly hurts.

Avatar n tn My friends dog is a 9 year old cockapoo, and the other day I noticed she had a red bloody spot in her fur behind her head, on the backside of her neck. The lump is about the size of a walnut; hard and leaking small amounts of blood. My friends not sure if the dog scratched it to make it bleed, so she took a close look at the sore spot and gently squeezed it getting more blood and puss out of it. She then washed it with antiseptic wash and covered it.

Avatar m tn Yes I get them I have one on my hand , I have had them on my soles of my feet , they are cysts , some say calcium, mine usually go away by themselves, I am massaging the one on my hand .However I still think that an Xray or test is a good thing .to put your mind at rest , the lumps I get are small and firm ..

Avatar m tn s only now that I have seen the pictures of the lump on the back of your wrist. It seems like a ganglion cyst (especially if it is soft) but have it checked by your doctor to rule out other conditions that can cause lump around the wrist such as lipoma, carpal bossing, infections and others. These other conditions have different treatments.

Avatar f tn hi a small lump appeared about a months then disappeared about a week later about 2 weeks ago the lump came back but bigger i went to the doctors and they said that it might be an absess but i had no tooth pain with it so they put me on antibiotics it is still there the lump is the size of my full jaw on my left hand side and it is very tender to touch it is also very firm and hard i have no pain or toothache it just feels very heavy on the side of my face the lump feels like it is coming down

Avatar n tn hi im 13 years old and i have a little lump on the back right side of head and another little lump under that one and when i masterbate i get a bad throbbing pain that throbs with my heartbeat, ive had no blured vison or hearing loss or anything just those throbbing pains but im still very worried??!!

Avatar n tn A friend of mine has a small lump on the back right side of his head. It swells every once in a while which causes a headache that migrates toward the front. Then goes away. This has been going on for around 2 years. It's only on the right side. He has seen his pcp and they suggested it may just be a tension headache. Any suggestions as to what could be causing this??

Avatar f tn On Saturday night, I went to bed w/ one of my usual headaches, and woke up with the same one. I went to rub the back of my neck and head, and noticed a lump on the left back side of my head. It hurts to put pressure on it. Since Sunday, it's grown in size and in pain. Let me mention that NO I did NOT hit my head on anything. I've been to the ER, and to my medical on base here. I'm nauseous, dizzy, very tired and week feeling, I'm starting to have these shaking attacks.

Avatar n tn Hey, I have a small lump, about pea sized, on the back left of my neck. It does not hurt, unless I constantly press on it. Over the past year, I have also been having pains in my chest when I breathe, and am short of breath a lot. Also, my legs have been feeling really weak sometimes, to the point where I can't stand. I don't know if these are all related, but I am worried about the lump being some kind of tumor/cancer. Can anyone help me?

437667 tn?1204498655 I have a lump a little smaller than a quarter on the back of my head. It's hurts a little to touch but not much. It's a little soft but mostly hard. I'm only 14 years old and I'm really afarid this could be cancer or a brain tumor. When I tell my mom about it she tells me to shut up. And also I can't go to the doctor about it. D: PLEASE HELP ME.

583387 tn?1219627212 I am looking for a possible cause or explanation of growths/lumps on the back of the head about 2 inches from the hairline from the ear. One on the right is about the size of a Hershey kiss and the left one is about the size of a marble. They are not red, scaly or in any way visually showing any symptoms. The areas are not painful unless pressed and have just "appeared" on my 15 year old daughter.

Avatar f tn I just on this website because I have suffered for years with horrible migraines and lately they have been getting worse. Then tonight I was taking a shower when I noticed a quarter sized lump on the back of my head just above my neck. To be honest, I'm a little scared. I hate doctors and I have never wanted to see one for the headaches, but have thought about it many times. Please let me know how your news turned out. Thank you!

Avatar f tn Though it is very difficult to diagnose a lump without examination, I will try my best to list the possibilities and explain how each lump is diagnosed. In some people the occipital bone at the back of the skull has a protuberance. This is a normal finding. Another normal finding is a protruding spine of cervical vertebra due to bad posture.

Avatar f tn I have had this lump on the back of my throat for a few months now, it is starting to worry me. I was wondering if anyone can tell by looking at the photo what it might be? Sorry the photo is kind of gross.

Hard Lump on Back of Hand That Moves

Source: https://healthquestions.medhelp.org/lump-on-back-of-hand

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